Breaking Strongholds

Submit and Loosing:
The Greek word for submit, to subject one's self, obey to submit to one's control, a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden". James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to G-d. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
The Greek word for loose, luo, means to loosen, break up, destroy, dissolve, unloose, melt and put off. Luo is related to rhegnumi and agnumi which mean to break, wreck, crack to sunder by separation of its parts, shatter to minute fragments, disrupt, lacerate, convulse, burst rend and tear. Now those are words a spiritual warrior can get into!
I began to search the Word to see if what I have been taught was true. This was a very frustrating time, for I was used to being fed truth. I began to find some amazing gaps in my understanding. The dying-to-self process of learning to trust and obey, day by day, spiritual growth can feel pretty rough sometimes. Feeling somewhat left out of that elusive King’s kids group, I doggedly pursued my relationship with Him anyway. I did it the hardest way possible, though, as I was spiritually malnourished most of the time then I got interested in getting my own meal then looking for what might be available from someone else’s plate. The Father said in 2 Tim. 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto G-d, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” To be a victorious overcomer, you need life-changing, meat-filled, scripturally proven, tried and tested, whole truth girded about your loins. Wisdom comes from the experience of acting upon knowledge and you have to handle and act upon truth to see what may yet be concealed from your understanding of it. Ephesians 3:19. When someone else opens up a new understanding for you, it remains a second-had revelation until you act and experience it first hand. Faith does come by hearing the Word, but faith grows by experiencing the Word. Faith and experience turn hope into manifested reality.
The original Greek word for stronghold is ochuroma, which means to fortify by holding safely. A stronghold is what one uses to fortify and defend a personal belief, idea or opinion against outside opposition. If you have built strongholds around unresolved issues in your life, the adversary will be on them faster than you can blink. He will trick you and tempt you by circumstances and situations that reinforce your hurt and fear of having these areas exposed to further pain. But he is not the root of your problem; he only uses what already exists.
The root problem is the vulnerability of a damaged soul and its strongholds. Erected by a wounded soul to keep further pain out, these strongholds keep pain in were binding and loosing makes it possible to crucify that old nature and receive G-d’s full healing and restoration. It can take a lifetime to overcome these deeply ingrained patterns of thinking if you do not have the keys to tear down the strongholds around them. The reinforced walls kept out any new input and allow the adversary to replay your past to mess up your present and to destroy your hope for a future. Any believer can resist the enemy and cause him to flee. Any believer can walk in the power of the Spirit, receive from the Father and bring about deliverance through the cleanness of their own hands.
You cannot heal yourself by a strong will to survive; you are healed by surrendering everything in your live- past, present and future - to the will of the Father and then receiving healing from Him. The only way to be truly free is to strip your old nature of everything it derives power from, tear down the strongholds you have erected and then allow G-d to spiritually realign your life. Your strongholds may have enabled you to survive terrifying circumstances in your past that were out of your control but they also protecting wrong attitudes, beliefs and patters of thought you have learned to trust more than you trust the truth.

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