Train Up A Child

Education has always been emphasized in Jewish culture. It is the highest form of worship.(2 Tim. 2:15) Education is to start in the home at the age of 3 to recite certain blessings. The first book of the Torah that a young child was taught to read was Leviticus.
There were 480 synagogues in Jerusalem in Y’Shua’s day and each one had a house of study.(Luke 2:46) The house of study was more important than the synagogue.

Steps of Child development:
Age 3 - reciting blessings
Age 5 - study of the scriptures
Age 10 - study of the 5 books of Moses (oral law).
Age 13 - Tested and acknowledged as an accountable man of G-d. (Luke 2:46)
Age 15 - Study the Talmud.
Age 18 - Marriage
Age 20 - Pursuing a vocation
Age 30 - Entering his full vigor
Age 33 – Considered a man
Age 40 - Reaches full maturity with experience
Age 50 - Teach and council the younger
Age 60 - Caring and providing for your parents
Age 70 - Honored at the Gates of Wisdom

Y’Shua always used straight forward teaching, along with alluching (hinting back to Scriptures) to teach the people.(Dan. 7:13-14). He would teach a point then add 2 parables as His punch line. His teaching was very highly sophisticated.

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