Keys to Prayer

Prayer is the key to heaven but faith unlocks the door.
Three major keys to answered prayer
1. Believe it. (Jer. 33.3)
2. Desire it. (Matt. 7:7; Jn. 15:7)
3. Declare it. (Phil. 4:6; Heb. 4:16)
Eight things that can stop prayer:
1. Secret sin. (Ps. 66:18)
2. Without faith. (Matt. 21:22)
3. Selfishness. (James 4:2-3)
4. Lack of compassion (Prov. 21:13)
5. Lack of understanding (1 Pet. 3:7)
6. Full of pride (Job 35:12-13)
7. Contrary to G-d's word. (1 Jn 5:14)
8. Lack of obedience. (1 Jn. 3:22)
Qualification for prayerful endorsement.
A. Prayer leads to zeal;
B. Zeal leads to cleanliness;
C. Cleanliness leads to ritual purity;
D. Purity leads to self-control (disciple);
E. Control leads to holiness;
F. Holiness leads to humility;
G. Humility leads to fear of sin;
H. Fear leads to saintliness;
I. Saintliness leads to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer should be 90% praise and worship, and only 10% petitioning G-d.
Prayer replaces sacrifice as incense to G-d (Ps. 141:2)
Basic types of Prayer:
A. Petition - asking for something
B. Intercession - standing in for another
C. Supplication - urgency
D. Confession - acknowledging of sins
E. Thanksgiving - praising the Lord
F. Meditation - speaking the Word out loud
G. Agreement - uniting your faith as one
H. Faith - for someone who cannot believe for themselves (James 5)
I. Adoration - standing in awe
The Jews have a word KA-VA-NAH which means to worship with focus.
Joy is the essential ingredient of prayer. Come into the sanctuary with thanksgiving in your heart.
(Ps. 100:1-3; 16:11; 32:11; Neh. 8:11)
Repentance is always a means to open the prayer channel.
We are to pray with confidence. (Amos 7:14)
Prayer should be made without ceasing. (1 Thess. 5:17)
There was a warning not to make a blessing or prayer in vain. A blessing made in vain referred to a prayer without an accompanying act.
Enthusiasm in prayer was required not to grow cold. The Hebrew word HIT-LA-HA-ROOT was used to convey this idea and it means to kindle. The phrase reminds us of James 5:16, "fervent prayer availeth much." The Jews get the idea of chanting and swaying in prayer from the motion of hit-la-ha-root.
One of the best ways to realize faith is through prayer.
The Word of G-d is the believer's prayer-guide. It unfolds the nature and necessity of prayer and is eloquent with promises as to its privilege and power.
Prayer pointers:
Pray in 2 or 3 in His Name - Matt. 18:19-20
Pray in a forgiving spirit - Mk. 11:25
Avoid vain repetition - Matt. 6:7
Pray with persistence - Lk. 11:8
Pray in sincerity - Matt. 6:5
Pray from the heart - Matt. 6:6
Pray in the spirit and with understanding - Jn 4:22-23
Pray in truth - Jn 4:24; Ps 145:18
Pray with watchfulness - Lk 21:36
Pray the will of G-d - Lk. 22:42
Pray in faith, believing - Matt. 21:21-22; 1 Jn 3:22
Pray in humbleness - 2 Chr. 7:14
Pray for G-d's nearness - Is. 55:6
Pray with Thanksgiving - Phil. 4:6
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thess. 5:17-18
Pray in boldness - Heb. 4:16
Pray in righteousness - Ps 34:15-17
Prayer does not need proof but practice.
Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.

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