Sread your Wings 1976

“You could go much further if you would only open up your wings. Don’t be afraid, I told you I would never leave you nor forsake you.
So arise and take your place, spread your wings that you may fly far and wide.
The platform is being prepared for you. Know that I am with you and that I have set you aside while I was preparing for the doors to be opened. Man has not opened these doors, but I have made the way of provision for you.
As you fly to your destiny and pass through the gates I will give you what you need as you will need it.
It is My work and My errand I have sent you on.
Tell My people to keep running the race. Tell them I see them when they fall, I am there to pick them up and mend their wounds that they have acquired along life’s flight.
Tell them that they are to light the way for others will be following.
Tell them how much I love them, I will be there waiting for them at the finish line.
Tell them their inheritance is all ready and waiting for them to fly up and receive all that I have in store for them.
Tell them what I have is even more than they can imagine, a prize worthy of a King’s child.
Time is so short My children. There is no time for slackers, you either get in the race or get out of it. Push forward or you will be left behind.
No more games, for the harvest is ripe and I will be separating the wheat from the chaff.
I love you all, and expect you all to be winners!
Keep your eyes upon Me for I will see you through to the finish line.”

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