Left Behind 1979

“Seeds of resentment, jealousy, discord, bitterness, displacement have been planted.
Have you been watering them and allowing them to grow?
When they were first planted did I not tell you to pull them out by the roots? Delayed obedience is still disobedience, and now you suffer from the growing process.
Cuts replace bruises,
Sores replace cuts,
Scars replace sores,
Wounds become deeper until infection sets in. If procrastination continues, poison sets in, followed by a long, streaming, red line spreading through out your body.
Would you now take notice of the seriousness of corrupted seeds or will amputation be necessary?
I tell you these things, My child because of My love for you. I do not like seeing My children hurt. The instructions I lay down for you are to prevent the next stage from happening if not followed.
Why do you allow offences to get planted in you?
Does not My love flow in you, to be able to rise above these attacks?
When first pierced – rise higher, higher in My love, flying over the circumstances, into My awaiting arms.
I will lessen the pain – I will caress you – I will reassure you, and I will heal your wounds.
I do not want you to walk around holding on to it, licking your wounds, just watching it spread and grow, allowing it to take deep root into your soul.
Did I not tell you this life is all about trials and testing?
All about your personal growth, and reaching maturity.
Choose your battles wisely – confront when necessary, then discard, and move forward with My leading.
Count all trials as a blessing, training and equipping you; each one making you stronger and stronger, developing good strong soil were corrupt seeds cannot grow.
Cut down that tree, pluck up the roots and stop fertilizing bad soil! For it was not My desire to leave anyone behind. It hurt Me when I had to close the door of the ark and leave people behind because they chose seeds of the world.
I chastise My children because I love them. I love you, My child.
Let go, give it up to Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Replace bad seeds for good seeds, avoid the weeds and thistles, and you will not be left behind.”

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