Catch the Vision

To all who put this information into affect and who catch the vision of what G-d is saying to the body of Messiah today.
G-d wants us to walk in the supernatural and see miracles happen just like they did when Y’Shua walked on this earth - just like His disciples did.
Hebrews 13:8 - "Y’Shua, Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever." Meaning that He is going to do the same miracles today using believers that He lives in and that believe on Him. John 14:12-14, you can ask Him for anything, using His name, and He will do it!! Why, because it brings praise to the Father. Not because of your own righteousness or power, but just because Y’Shua said we would.
G-d not only wants us to be on the receiving end of miracles, but He also wants us to be on the performing end. Today is the hour of the students when G-d is calling ALL believers to begin to do the things He wants us to do.
We need to understand with our hearts and not with our minds that Y’Shua is actually living inside of us, wanting to manifest Himself to the world in and through us! It is not your hands, feet or mouth but His. Do not worry or be afraid of failing for He is doing it, through you, therefore the results are His also - you are only to step out and obey, believe and trust in Him not yourself. Think of it as..." Here is an opportunity for Y’Shua!" Lay hands on them as you feel lead, bind and cast out spirits, command new body parts; all in His name. We serve an awesome G-d! Let your faith be ignited.
"All authority has been given to you in the heavens and on earth." Matt. 28:18. "Over serpents, scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy” Luke 10:19.
Y’Shua said it was not by His power that He did miracles, but by the power of His Father. That same Spirit has been given to us with the same unlimited power so that we can accomplish what needs to be accomplished on the earth today. I urge you, if you don't have the Holy Spirit - get it, so you can start using your G-d given power for His glory, taking no credit for yourself. You are only the vessels He uses. The glory for every miracle belongs to G-d!
G-d will honor a faithful and a sincere heart, but we always need to remember that G-d also gives us common sense and tells us to obey the law at all times. We need to confine our healing techniques to those who WANT to be healed by G-d and ask for healing. Y’Shua healed All who CAME to Him. Rule of thumb - do not tell anyone to stop or start taking medication. You are not G-d nor a licensed doctor.
In Eph. 6:13, Paul said "...having done all, to stand." Remember, you have laid hands on the people that have come to you and the power of G-d has gone into them and the healing has started even though there may not be no outward manifestations. Let the Holy Spirit "Penicillin-power" have time to work.
"A merry heart doeth like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones” Prov. 17:22. When we laugh, when we are happy, when we praise G-d, when we exercise, a substance called ENDORPHINS is released in our bodies which relieves pain and is healing (acts as medicine) to the tissues of our body.
The power of G-d's Holy Spirit from within you is what heals the sick and sets the captives free. It is G-d's Holy Spirit power which heals, to dispense this power from the Spirit of G-d within your spirit into the bodies of the sick people (sick people is not only the physically sick but also the emotionally sick). G-d's power can and will heal anything sick which it touches.
When you lay hands on others the Holy Spirit will do deep healing of spirits, sicknesses, injuries, depressions, attitudes, habits, hurts, abuses and other needs. Sometimes they fall under the power of G-d, which is also referred to as being slain in the Spirit or carpet time.
G-d's power will reach into the inner recesses of our very souls to do a work much more than could be done by the entire ministry in the world. That is why we lay hands on people even after their healing has been completed. We want then to receive ministry of the Holy Spirit for all their inner needs as well as physical healing.
It's usually best to pray for people in pairs, because many of the gifts of the Spirit are needed such as word of wisdom and word of knowledge. What you may lack your partner may have.
Take all of the gifts of G-d according to your ability and maturity to operate in them. G-d will give you plenty of opportunities to use them to fulfill what He has call you to do.
Be persistent. Y’Shua's anointing power is always in you, so keep in mind that the anointing is not something that comes and goes periodically, but He remains within you. Be discreet in all you do, for you represent Y’Shua.

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