G-d's Original Diet

Our Nature and Appetites Will Not Lead Us to the Truth!
G-d’s diet discipline cuts sharply across general manners and ideas. It is one of the stress points where observance tends first to break down. This is the stamp on eating: an act that all people perform several times a day, given the choice. People may neglect work, play, prayer, and love-making, but they seldom forget to eat.
The Torah gives only one brief reason for the Laws: they will help discipline people to holiness.
G-d's chosen were instructed not to eat as the pagan Gentiles portrayed as pigs in Hebrew literature. The pig has no neck, signifying that his brain is connected directly to his stomach--the pig eats anything he wants without thought or care fore the consequences, in other words, his mind and his actions are controlled solely by his desires. People who behave like pigs whom, as long as they are happy and content, forget their G-d. Just like pigs, they squeal to be fed, but as soon as they are full they are silent.
The dietary laws whose primary rationale is that they are divinely ordained. Just for the fact `G-d said so', we should be obedient to the literal observance of His dietary laws which have long term health benefits and Moses taught that the dietary laws are not just rules regarding what is to be eaten and what is not to be eaten. They contain great spiritual significance.
Observing human behavior, from infancy, we see babies put anything that looks good into their mouths; to adulthood, still using little discretion and even less intelligence in deciding what is good food to eat. Are we doing it `our way' or asking G-d to open our eyes to `His Way'.
The human body cannot digest just anything, and specific requirements must be met in order for the body to function properly. The food we eat must be broken down into useable components among which must be certain elements necessary for repair and replacement of decaying cells, to provide energy, body warmth--the result of which is good health. The wrong food or diet will change and eventually destroy the intricate mechanism
G-d designed for our use, the human body.
Believers have historically looked for `legal loopholes' in the Bible to avoid compliance with the literal word of G-d. Are we not sinning against our own body and the word of G-d? Are we becoming what we eat - adapting our prey personality? There is no such thing as sin if there is no law. "Whosoever committed sin transgress also the laws; for sin is the transgression of the law. (1 John 3:4) The Messiah did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. He, Himself observed all the laws. Are we following His example?
The basic Law reveals specifically what kind of flesh will properly digest and assimilate into the human body and which will not. While it is true that deeper meanings, known as "sod" in Hebrew, are found in the dietary laws, this does not diminish the literal physical reality of G-d's dietary law. G-d said he will destroy those who eat forbidden food in Isaiah 66:16-17 was set up for all generations (Lev. 3:17; 17:23-27)
Because of the processing of our foods today, some of G-d given is no longer healthy for our use. G-d expects us to choose our food wisely, and He further expects us to use His word as the foundational element of our decision making (2 Timothy 3:15-16). Whether our bodies are the product of years of improper diet, what goes into our mouths each day is our individual responsibility. G-d has given us the freedom to destroy ourselves. He has also given us the power and the information we need to make our bodies as healthy as possible.

honey almonds soybeans dark br sugar
nuts grain peanuts raisins
peas cucumbers melons leeks
wheat barley vine fruit figs
olive oil horseradish wine fruit
onions fresh vegetables beans lentils
garlic pomegranates wholegrain
manna (coriander, cilantro, Chinese parsley, tamarisk)

ox sheep deer cow steer buffalo
goats bass pike sunfish perch salmon
mackerel bluefish mullet rainbow lamb tuna
sablefish shod butterfish pompano geese ducks
chickens turkeys rainbow trout lake trout fruits
grains vegetables
polyunsaturated fats; seed, veg. oils, fruits

pigs rats skunks dogs cats horse lion
bear camel badger rabbits weasels mice mole
tortoise ferret chameleon lizard snail ossifrage kite
ospray vulture raven nighthawk chickow
cormorant owl pelican stork lapwing swan oyster
clam bat lobster shrimp shellfish fats pastries palm oil lard french fries excessive butter
muscle meat syrupy drinks

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