Spiritual Warfare 2003

“My word will separate the marrow from the bone. It will separate all that is not Me from all that is Me.
In battle use My word for the enemy can not fight against it and is best dissatisfied when you are truly humble before Me.
Delayed obedience is disobedience. You will not be lacking power for anything I have called you to do. You can beat the unbeatable foe and confound the enemy. You will know the impossible dream of overcoming is for you.
I gift you this day with inner vision.
I gift you with power of single-mindedness.
I gift you with discernment.
I will use you as a powerful warrior, one that was seasoned. All to bring many into My kingdom.
Sometimes I will call you to fight one way, other times I will call you to fight another way. Never box Me in.
Know your vulnerable spot and yield it to Me. Shed the works of the adversary and when darkness tries to surround you, My light will grow stronger in you. Then the darkness can not affect you.
Choose your battles, I will give you discernment so that you can walk as a child of light.
Have I not said I have angels camping around you? Send them forth during a battle to fight for you and to guard you. Fight not by might nor by your power but by My spirit and you will stand in victory.
Do not be intimidated by the seeming force of the enemy, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
Fast and pray before spiritual warfare, where you have known defeat; you will find victory. For I will control work in your mind, body and spirit during your fasting. Lay down self to do My work and I will raise you up.
You are living in a time when there is not much time left –so the work needs to be done quickly. You are My seasoned warriors.”

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