Rumplestillskin 1959

A children’s book about a poor girl that was locked up in a room, being used for another’s greedy heart, being asked for the impossible. Through her desperation and tears a little man came in to do her bidding, at a price she was to pay. Who knows whether that will ever happen, thought the poor girl, and, not knowing how else to help herself in this strait, she promised the little man what he wanted. But ---Sooner or latter it comes time to pay the piper, one must beware of their promises. The girl was horror-stuck when it came time to pay up and offered riches and material things to the little man. His answer was ‘something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world. It all had to do with a name guessing, who am I? What price are you willing to pay? Now I ask myself why did I draw the little man, and not the lovely daughter? This little man has been plaguing me for years always asking for the impossible. He played the dominant role in my life. Of course he wants ‘a live’ thing for his time is running short. He came to steal rob, and destroy, and by any means of trickery to get the job done. “Be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. The adversary has become real to you at a very early age, tempting you, making you doubt who you are or who you will become. You could not see Me, for though he is small, he is very enticing. You thought he was your friend and saving you, but he was not! You are free of any promise you have made to the deceiver through lack of knowledge. You’re eyes have been opened to see what is under the clothing. Your discernment has heightened to a new level. All things you have experienced in life are part of training and equipping you for service. It’s part of ‘been there, done that’ and now sent out to help others to see the truth.Know that I am stronger and bigger than this little man, and My promises are unconditional. Through all his little promises you have chosen Me, and I am pleased!”

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You wrote all of this? And drew the pictures? This is an amazing blog. I will continue to read through here. I have gleaned alot just through what I have read, and I'm anxious to read more.