Jubilee Year

The Sabbatical year and the Jubilee year are part of a Sabbatical cycle of observances tied together by the number seven. During the Sabbatical year (every seventh year) the land was left to lay fallow, literally, the basic principle under laying the weekly Sabbath which applied to person was transferred to nature itself. The basic provisions concerning land can be found in Ex. 23:10-11; Lev. 25:1-7, 20-22, 19:9, and 23:22. In Deut. 15:1-3, 21:2-11, 15:12-18. it was a year of release regarding debts. It was also the time of the reading of the Law (Deut. 31:10-13) during this year of release.
The conclusion of seven Sabbatical year festivals was reached every fiftieth year in the provisions for the Jubilee year (Lev. 25:6-55, 27:16-25). After forty nine years (7 seven year periods) have elapsed, each fiftieth year was to be inaugurated as a Jubilee by the blowing of the shofar on the Day of Atonement the 15th (Lev. 25:8-9.) The land was to lie fallow with the presumption that the providential aid promised for the sixth year of the Sabbatical cycle (the previous year) also applied to the Jubilee year (25:11, 20-22).
Its principles fell in the realm of social politics and may have helped to discourage slave owning, land grabbing and usury and to encourage a more humanitarian, merciful view of the relationship between people. The central theme of the Jubilee legislation was that both the land and the people on it were obedient to G-d. (Lev. 25:23-24, 55). Through these periodic correction of economic imbalances, G-d intended the Israelites to restore their society. The Jubilee gave poor families a new start in life and avoided the concentration of land in the hands of only a few. Their claim to their land was one of possession, not ownership (Lev. 25:23, 42.)
The Jubilee year is the only year in which the year begins on the tenth, instead of on the first day of the New Year. Notice the specific day on which Ezekiel was given a vision of the glory of the L-rd returning to the Temple in 40:1, 43:2-7. This vision seems to indicate that the Messiah will enter the Temple in Glory on Tishri 10, the first day of the Jubilee year. True restoration cannot begin until the Messiah comes, which maybe on Yom Kippur, the day on which Israel gains forgiveness. Yom Kippur underscores the fact that the High Priest - Messiah has paid to deliver Israel and all of us from our sinful nature and has forgiven our sins. Judgment has been averted through the life of another. Y’Shua gained our acceptance and entrance in G-d’s holy presence. Heaven is the ultimate Promised Land which G-d’s children will inherit. Israel is the physical symbol of G-d’s children’s spiritual kingdom to come. Messiah will deliver Israel from her physical enemies as well.
A Talmudic Rabbi expressed the importance of Jubilee: “In the last Jubilee, the Son of David will come.” Notice e Acts 3:21. Last Jubilee – interesting – how many more do you think we will have from the year 1998? 50 more years?
Today Rabbis hold that the Jubilee must await the return of all the Jews to their land before the Jubilee can be accomplished (Lev. 25:10-13.) Today great portions of the land belong to the state of Israel – the Jewish National Fund. The land will finally be divided among the prince, priest, Levites, and the tribes (Ex. 45:41).
Both in the Talmudic literature and in the Apocrypha, two different systems of calculation for the Jubilee are found. There is little reference to the Jubilee in the Talmudic laws or in documents uncovered by archaeology.
After the destruction of the first Temple, the Jubilee years were not even calculated, only those of seven year cycles. Josephus frequently refers to the Sabbatical year but only twice to the Year of Jubilee.
G-d outlined 70 (490 years) remaining for His nation (Dan. 9:24). This total is divisible by 49 and not by 50. Astronomy indicates that here was no added 50th year. This period of 49 solar years was astronomically a period of restitution, for the sun and moon returned nearly to their original positions relative to each other. Since 49 solar years are 606 lunar months with an error of only 32 hours. So that through the Jubilee period is not a perfect lunar cycle, it was quite exact enough to guide the Jewish priest in drawing up their calendar in case where failure of observation of the moon had given rise to some doubt.
Thus, the Jubilee is tied to the sun and moon observation of the two great lights from one centralized location. The sun and moon were given as signals to mark the seasons and days and years as well as for the light (Gen. 1:14).
Each month, the start of the agricultural year at Rosh Hashanah, the new 49 year cycle (in the 50th. Year) were announced by loud blasts on the Shofar. After the new moon was slighted, a chain of bonfires were lighted on a series of mountains to inform the distant areas of the new month. These places are still pointed out today.
Messiah may be crowned king during the final feast as was Solomon! Israel will mourn for Messiah, probably for 30 days. The obscure schedule of 30 days (after Yom Kippur) plus 45 days (Dan. 12:11), brings us to Kisler 25. Hanukkah must be the day the Temple may be rededicated to G-d. this was the very day the Maccabees reconsecrated the second Temple in 164 B.E. after Antiocus Epiphanes desecrated it for three years.
Assuming that the Temple mount will be undisturbed as the spiritual center of the earth and that the tribulation Temple will be rededicated on the same day of the year as the second Temple.
50 is a symbol of liberty, freedom, Pentecost, deliverance.10 x 5 = 50 . The fiftieth day, the fiftieth year.
Pentecost (Shavuot) and the Jubilee – the 50th. The nation of Israel was born on Pentecost – 50 days after leaving Egypt when LG-d descended on Mount Sinai and spoke the Law to them (Ex. 20:1). The church was also established on Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jewish believers on the 50th. Day after Y’Shua resurrected and the acceptance of His blood sacrifice by His Father in heaven (Acts 2:1).
When will the ultimate 50, the Jubilee, “the year of the L-rd’s favor, for Israel and the world take place” liberty will be proclaimed throughout the land on that day! (Lev. 25:10).
What I have personally viewed in 1998 Jubilee year is a serious calling of the remnant, (people from all walks of life that want more than the milk of the Word, wanting to be mature sheep and fulfill G-d’s purpose for their lives.
G-d’s chosen people the Jews going back home to the promise land and turning the desert back into a Garden of Eden. I see a calling of His bride to prepare herself, lovely waiting, anticipation of His return. I see G-d assembling His arm, training and equipping them so they can stand in the battle, endure the race. I see G-d’s eyes moving to and fro through out the churches picking, plucking, pruning. The earth is trembling; there is a shaking going on. There seems to be awaking to the Messianic movement in these last days, and I will not feel like a lone wolf out here.
People are getting back to the basics; learning about the Jewish roots, remembering the Bible was and is a Jewish book so therefore knowing the times, place and customs, getting a better understanding to its true meaning. I see women coming out and exerting their selves as soul of G-d, not willing to be lock into a male female role but as equal helpmeets. The signs of the times are starting to fall into place, veils will be lifted, hears open, hearts renewed, restoration full filled. Our for runners of old have done their part in preparing the kingdom of G-d. Now it is our turn to user in the Day of the L-rd.
It is scary times, but it is also exciting times to see prophesies fall into place. The tapestry coming together, the fullness of the Spirit exploding. Lines are forming – hunger is building for more of G-d. Choose whom you may serve, which line you will stand in. this could be the year of Jubilee’s freedom for you! Freedom reigns!

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