Intresting Facts

Longest: Shortest:

Chapter is Psalm 119. Psalm 117.
Verse is Ester 8:9. 1 Chron. 1:25.
Book is Psalms with 150 chapters. Obadiah

Ezra 7:21 contain all the letters of the alphabet except J.
A total of 920 chapters; 23,144 verses; 602,585 words and 2,728,100 letters.
Middle Book is Proverbs; the middle chapter is Job 20.
The Old Covenant is the foundation for the new. The New is the continuation of the old. All you find in the new is already stated in the old.
Middle book is 2 Thess., chapter is Rom. 8,9, verse is Acts 27:17.
Longest verse is Rev. 20:4, chapter is Lk. 1, book is Luke. Shortest verse is Jn. 11:35.
260 Chapters, 7,957 verses, 180,552 words, and 838,380 letters. Smallest book is 3 Jn.

Proximally 40 writers of the entire book.

Genesis to the cross is 4,000 years.

Genesis to the flood is 2,000 years.
Flood to cross 2,000 years.
Cross to 2000 (now) is 2,000 years.

Millennium will be 1,000 years.
Terms used and their meanings:

Mercy & Grace - Unmerited favor, means forgiveness.
Salvation - Deliverance from this world.
Faith - Believe with out seeing.
Sanctification - Separation from the world and dedicated to G-d.
Caught away - rapture.
Tribulation - A 7 year period in which G-d’s wrath is poured on the earth.
Millennium - 1,000 year period were the saints rule under the Messiah in harmony.
Dispensation - is a period of time.
Repentance - Asking forgiveness and not repeating it again.

Bible Statistics

Total number of books is 66.
Chapters 1,189.
Verses 31,101.
Words 83, 137.
Letters 3,566,480.
Promises 1,260.

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