G-d Winks 1980

I saw this fragile little girl of about 4 years old – a happy, smiling, trusting child. She liked to draw and was always drawing eyes, when asked why she said “That’s my friend.”
One night when she was 5 years old she encountered little gray creatures with pointed ears that were inflicting pain on her from the tip of her head to the souls of her feet. Strangely she did not feel afraid for the eyes of her friend appeared and winked at her and she knew she was not alone.
When she would be locked in the closet for hours on end, her imaginary friend’s eyes would keep her company. At 7 her life took a turn for the worse and unspeakable things were afflicted on her. She poured herself into her drawings to release what could not be spoken and she seemed to perfect the eyes took in a new dimension; they appeared to always be looking at you no matter where you stood – following you. She drew no mouth for words could not be spoken. She drew no ears for no one was listening.
Time passes and she got lost in the shuffle crawling into herself, staying alone, trying to blend in and not be seen, just trying to survive life. Adults would say, “This child has emptiness in her eyes, like no one is home. Old looking, beyond her years.” She did not express emotions; no tears, no joy, nor any anger.
She tried to be good but good did not seem good enough, for she received her daily beating regardless of how she acted. Hardships came and hardships, went but the eyes stayed with her.
The day came when she finally was all grown up and she was putting her foot down. No More! She only knew one kind of life. She had been taught well on how to survive. But now she was going to call the shots – inflict her own pain – live hard and die young was her goal, a death wish was taking root.
Those eyes stayed there with her through what seemed to be the good times and the bad times, every now and then giving her a wink to let her know she was not alone.
“Now what is the purpose of all this Father, rehashing one’s past?” I asked.
“My child, I want all My children to know that I am always there with them and will never leave them alone. I do not cause bad things to happen to My children, people miss use the gift of free will.
If they would take the time to look at Me, they would see Me winking at them.
Some have given Me mouths and allow Me to speak to them.
Some have given Me ears to hear My whispers.
I can only work with what you give Me.
I am the G-d of the mountain tops and of the valleys.
When you are being blessed – I wink.
When you are seeking Me - I wink.
When you are worshiping – I wink.
When you are praising – I wink.
When you are a peacemaker – I wink.
When you show love – I wink.
I have all the power that even in My slightest wink mountains move.
Mountains of afflictions.
Mountains of problems.
Mountains of love.
Mountains of blessing.
Things happen in the atmosphere when I wink.”
Has G-d been winking at you?
Do you fell all alone and lost, the world passing you by?
Have you been injured from life and wanting to give up?
Stop and take the time to look to see – G-d is winking at you this very minute!

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