Training & Equipping

“To train, educate, and equip both Jew and non-Jew for study of our rich Biblical/Jewish heritage,” establish guidelines to allow for other ministries, congregations, and people to fellowship. In this effort, there is no place for intolerance, which are a hindrance to the work of G-d’s Holy Spirit in drawing the individual into a loving and personal relationship with the Father through Y’Shua HaMashiach and a deeper understanding of Spiritual truth. Only G-d’s Holy Spirit can convict a person to make life-changing decisions that truly create a new creature in the Messiah.
This ministry is open to all who are seeking spiritual truth and knowledge of the Jewish roots of Scripture. Not everything Jewish is Biblical, but everything Biblical is Jewish. As such we seek to reestablish the knowledge that existed in the first century church, rather than man-made doctrines or traditions that crept into both the Jewish faith and the Christian Hellenistic church.
Concerning the Nation of Israel. I stand firmly with the Nation of Israel and in no way supports any form of replacement theology. I believe any doctrine that promotes any group or groups, other than the Jews, as more entitled to the Land of Israel, or as a replacement for Israel in any way, as Scriptural unsound. I believe that the Israel of today is a Jewish state and I respect it as such.

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